
April 11, 2012 § 2 Comments

Soooo, as of last week I thought my blogging “career” was over. I was bummed, but Sunday and yesterday I jogged, and just didn’t have time to write. And I thought that was fine. Then I remembered last week, when I did absolutely nothing, and that is unacceptable.

I remembered why I started to blog.

1-I want to run again. My inspiration for this comes directly from a friend of mine, Caylor, from My Navy Days. (You should hear some sort of patriotic music playing in your head.) If memory serves me correctly, which it very well may not, Caylor was not that in shape, and he smoked. A lot. Like all the time. Light up before and after every PRT, all the time. (Sorry to call you out, Caylor.)  But now, I follow him on Facebook and Endomondo, running half marathon distances for fun. I would say “how unfair,” but he obviously works hard at it, and I can (should) too.

2-I like to write. It is cathartic and fun. It even inspires me, and it might inspire (or at least entertain) someone else. Example: I just about fell out of my seat-thrilled, because another Navy acquaintance started a blog (after seeing mine) to help himself lose weight. But more importantly, he called me a friend….that’s huge, because I was not at all nice to him back in the day (cue the patriotic music). I was young and stupid, there was peer pressure, but of course there is never a good excuse, and I truly regret my insensitivity. Clearly, he has been the better person in this situation.

Anyways, I was thinking about all of this when I was running yesterday. You know, the past, present, and of course wondering what I should try to make of my future. It was a lovely 78 degrees or so, but of course I had no life changing revelations. And around 2.5 miles, I stopped being philosophical, sentimental, etc. and just tried to breath. I managed to make it 3.13 miles, which I have not done in several months.

I did realize that I should just enjoy my surroundings, even if it isn’t the NYC skyline.

And I also know that unless I want to continue listening to The Tokyo Police Club’s remake of Party in the USA, I need to make my own play list ASAP.

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.      Henry David Thoreau

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§ 2 Responses to 3.13

  • miqueldg says:

    Don’t give up, running offer such a nice moments and satisfactions… I’m an endomondo user too and I know how it helps, I’m new on blogging I started mine recently and it is great finding people feeling the same, Greetings from spain.

  • CJ says:

    I really liked this post. I run in the burbs too, so my view are far from the dramatic beauty of NYC. Something about the Easter bunny blow-up and sidewalk chalk drawings really made me miss my morning runs. I’m feeling slightly inspired to run. Thanks!!

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